Students presented their researches and discussed issues on financial and non-financial reporting

Scientific and practical student seminar on “Financial and Non-financial Reporting of the enterprise: problems of its formation and audit” was held on the 23rd of April, 2019. The event was organized by the Department of Economic Expertise and Business Audit of the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing at TNEU.

The seminar was organized and moderated by Oksana Adamyk (Acting Head of the Department of Economic Expertise and Business Audit, PhD, Associate Professor) and Maria Shesterniak (Ph.D., senior teacher, the moderator of students’ scientific society of Department of Economic Expertise and Business Audit). Students of the department presented results of their researches on issues of preparing and auditing the financial and non-financial statements. Academics and fellowships of students’ scientific society of the Department took part in the discussion. Issues on the adaptation of Ukrainian legislation and accounting to the norms of the European Union, new low requirements, qualitative changes of manufacturing and managing process were brought up at the seminar. The discussion took place in a lively atmosphere and aroused the interest of all parties.